In case you missed out on the Small Business Supercharge in May this year, we’re pulling some highlight moments from the day to share!
This Week: Georgie Ann on Productivity, How Multitasking is Killing Your Productivity and Microtasking Makes you Efficient
My first strategy for getting sh*t done, is to do one thing at a time.
It’s tempting to sit here and think “I have so many things on my plate to get done, I have to be a multitasker!” But let me tell you as a former teen mom, mother of two, and multi business owner, doing only one thing will save your life.
Multitasking is a lie, it’s not real, and it does not truly exist. Because none of those tasks get your full attention.
Let me break it down this way…
When you multitask, you split your resources (time, money, energy, focus, etc) in multiple different paths. You end up with scattered results, and are less likely to succeed in what you’re doing. However, if you focus on just one thing, you’re able to complete it in a successful, focused, timely manner.
Think of a multitasking effort that most of us attempt: cooking dinner + something else (in this case, we’ll say sending emails). If you’re trying to think through your emails while you’re starting to cook dinner, you’re constantly moving back and forth between the kitchen and the computer/phone. Instead of focusing on making a great dinner and then taking care of emails, you’re likely going to end up with typos and a burnt meal because you’re taking up valuable brain space with those emails.
To really successfully accomplish both tasks, it's important to finish one and then move on to the other.
Instead of pulling yourself two or three or four different ways with different tasks, focus on one task and complete it before you move on to the next. You’ll actually save time because you’ll complete the tasks more quickly.
My best tip for this…
Is to create a task list at the start of every single day, so you can be so focused on one task that you don’t even have to think about anything else. This list can get quite long, because I list out all the microtasks within the big task as well, since we all have tasks that have multiple layers (think of the iceberg graphic where there’s some ice on top and the majority of it lies bellow the surface).
Microtasking is the effort of recognizing the smaller tasks within your overall task.
Think back to cooking dinner.
- The first sub-task of cooking dinner might be getting ingredients.
- The second might be getting pots out.
- The third might be chopping an onion.
Ultimately, you’re still committing yourself entirely to one task while taking care of the different parts of that task. It’s a more efficient and effective way of handling your time and energy, because your brain isn’t having to try to keep up with multiple different processes.
If you’d like to learn more about this, my favorite book on the topic is The One Thing by Garry Keller. It breaks down statistics, and concrete information on the studies revolving around multitasking and how the more successful people do one thing at a time.
So don’t listen to the little voice in your head that says “I’ll limit myself by not multitasking.” Because it’s wrong, you actually get more done by focusing on one thing at a time.
That’s the true start of getting sh*t done.
About the Content Creator:
Georgie-Ann Getton is a NY-based tech ecosystem trailblazer. She is an Execution Expert and CEO of GSD Solutions, a business development agency she founded in 2019. She is also a writer and multimedia content creator and thought leader through her personal brand GSD with Georgie. Georgie is passionate about developing inclusive, innovative, and experience-driven business models. She additionally holds a seat on the NY Tech Alliance and Caribbeans in Tech & Entrepreneurship Boards.
About the Ghost Writer:
Susannah Scheller is the Technology Director and Engagement Curator for Grow Disrupt, and was the first permanent hire made by Stephanie! She has spent countless hours studying the world of business under Stephanie, and has over 5 years of experience in content creation and Technology Execution. Having recently completed her Bachelor of Music, she has begun devoting her focus to the creation of content that helps to support small business owners company growth the world over.